Do you know a common way poverty creeps into a family is by
selling-off inherited properties? Examine the Forbes rich list and you’ll see
almost 35% of the entire listed, especially majority of the top 100, are people
who inherited their wealth. Landed properties, hedge fund investments, trust
funds, stamps, paintings, precious stones, company shares are some of the forms
by which wealth is transferred from a settler to a beneficiary.
I recently observed three average families close to mine, which by the way is an average one too. And I notice members of these families including mine, have continued to own houses, cars and other valuable items as far back as three generations from today. But the habit or may I say culture of selling properties, either for selfish interest or simply for lack of regard for it, has kept them–us–on that a little above poverty level. Hence, educated hard-working families, but mediocre in society.
Aristocracy is most accurately defined as “an upper class of hereditary nobility”. Therefore, by adopting a culture of saving and refusal to dispose-off properties, a clan of hardworking individuals can over time enter into such a bracket of nobility, building a name (brand) and making life easier for their future generation. If this is your desire, it isn’t too late. Deciding not to sell the stuff you consider inferior today you’d begin to build an inheritance for your kids. That Peugeot 504, Volkswagen 1500, the bungalow and vast farm land in your village or shares certificates you just discovered your father has in a certain bank. All these seemingly invaluable bits, if properly maintained and harnessed, including your personal effort, can over the years evolve into generational prosperity.
My neighbour, fondly called Count Kevin, spent the better part of the past thirteen months buying spare-parts from all over Europe to fix his late dad’s car–a 1966 Ox-blood Jaguar E-Type. Upon completion, he invited a local vintage car salesman to come see this car in his garage. After viewing, the dealer made him an offer of Ninety Thousand Pounds to exchange ownership of the car. Of course he didn’t sell, but he agreed to allow the gentleman display the Jag in his showroom for hire to lovers of such classic cars, who pay as much as £1000 a week to cruise around town in the convertible roadster, especially in summer.
Even in the great book, “Abraham’s blessings”, is the prototype given for wealth. A generational blessing–one to the other. ABRAHAM–ISAAC–JACOB/ISRAEL–THE TWELVE TRIBES OF ISRAEL and down the line. We must not neglect ethics: such as diligence, honesty and charity. If all these be your mantra, your family will attain a wealthy status in society and remain one for a very, very long time. And when you’re frail and retired, you can be sure you’ve lived a good life–and most importantly, passing on a baton of a worthy inheritance (legacy) to yet another vibrant generation to keep the flag flying from where you left off.
May love, peace and prosperity be yours now and forever!
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