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Passion can be defined as an “uncontrollable or intense feeling or emotion towards achieving a set goal”. It is also described as a “crazy drive to achieve”. People who are passionate about attaining a feat, often, stretch themselves beyond their natural limits to get the job done.

Take for instance a toddler, after the stage of crawling they start to get up to walk. And after taking some few early steps, they fall back down, because obviously their legs are still feeble. But their desire to walk like every other person around them, ultimately drives them to continue to get up each time they fall - to take some more steps  forward, until they finally master the art of walking erect and before you know it they're already running and jumping all over the place.

This is the same approach we have to adopt towards succeeding in life. Without Passion, it is impossible for anyone to achieve anything significant, worthy of Praise, or to be emulated by others.

Permit me to say, we have to be “crazy” for success. We have to desire it so much that ultimately an indivisible force will amass in us that will push through any obstacle(s) that may want to get in our road to success. Be it low self esteem, which ultimately leads to lack of confidence and unbelief in ones’ ability to succeed or be it personal issues such as inadequate educational qualifications, laziness, failing health or not just knowing the right steps to take towards success.

On the journey to the top, we must be clear that we are starting off from a position of “lack” to a place of “abundance” in every area of life: this is why I did not mention “lack of money” as one of the “inadequacies” on the road to success; as obviously being broke is large part of being unsuccessful.

Let me quickly clarify  - we have been misled in the area of "financial increase" by a lot of casual sayings: “you use money to get money” etc. Well, may I tell you that the only way you can use money to get more money is by "gambling" and we know where that leads – only “IDEAS” can birth you money. And when I say ideas, I mean "workable ideas". Every thriving business or corporation you see out there was at one time just an idea in someone’s head, but today the product is evident for all to see and use.

As Christians, we need to take out time more often to commune with our inner self and ask for the light of creativity that the spirit of truth gives. Read some bible passages about our Father's willingness to bless us, but just like a "genie"; we have to rub the lamp through prayers and meditation, and subtly He will drop the answers to questions or deep inspirations into our hearts.

Jeremiah 33:3 “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you unsearchable things you do not know”

Isaiah 45:3 “I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name”

Research has proven that, most science inventions did not begin with the scientist fully knowing how to create what he wanted to invent, but the mental picture/desire/indivisible force/passion he had brought about the ability to create: as we naturally manifest what we think.

If you remain passionate and keep the fire to succeed burning inside of you, very soon, you will become that which you desire. But to keep the fire burning, you must have sufficient oil in your lamp. And for passion, the oil you need is “motivation”. I will be sharing this in a subsequent blog – Titled : Motivation - The Oil For Passion.


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