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“Man In Total Control of Himself”. Etched into the wall of my lawyer’s office. My wandering eyes searched it out in a top corner. Perhaps he scarred this into his own office wall - a moment of rage. I quizzed him about it. I had felt this inner rage too from time to time, maybe because of the soul searching into my life purpose at the time. I had become more alert to my surroundings and attached a deep meaning to anything I saw and observed, could be writings as this one on my lawyer's wall, or a bees mating.

By my lawyer’s passive acknowledgement of the writing on the wall, I knew he didn’t really know much about it, and perhaps it was a previous occupier of the office space responsible for it.

For me the phrase Man In Total Control of Himself was an instant inspiration, and after juggling it in my mind for a bit I came up with “Man In Total Control of Self” – making it relatable to women by taking away the masculinity of the phrase.

For purpose of simple understanding, SELF can be described as that curious spirit that fills the consciousness of little children and fuels their fantasies, which makes them believe anything is possible without limits. It also drives children to ask a lot of questions that would eventually wear you out or you become out of answers. I’m sure you must have done a lot of questioning too in your infant years: Why are we here on earth? Why do we die? Where do we go when we die? Who created God? Where do animals go when they die? – But as we grew older, we got caught up in a Model of Life that had already been laid down for us:

1.       Introduction to religion & culture – Parents

2.       Go to school – Parents and Society

3.       Get a job – Parents and Society

4.       Marry – Parents, Society and Religion

5.       Have children – Parents, Society and Religion

6.       If you’re lucky get Grand Children

7.       Die - Nature

Probably you’re on the second or third or fourth stage of the “Life Model” as outlined above or possibly the 3rd, 4th & 5th stages are all happening to you at the same time, then you may want to take this article a little more seriously. Sincerely ask yourself today: Is the Life you are living now what you have chosen out for yourself to live? Or because you did not know any better you just simply followed orders from people who have/had authority over you e.g. Parents, Teachers and Society.

Sadly, many will live life only to find out at the end of it that they did not do anything out of their own will, they only did what they were told. While some will usually wait till they get to the 3rd stage of the pre-programmed life model before they start to be their own Person; this is mainly due the fact that they FULLY become independent of their Parents at that stage of life. People who switch religion usually do so at this stage and you also find that people that do break out of the norm career wise usually do so too at this 3rd stage by pursuing their passion rather than the profession they had been made to study for at school.

We get trapped in this model of ‘hustle and bustle’, earning and spending money solely become our daily motivation that we forget how to live life, we begin to live out of necessity to meet our wants and needs instead of the simple will to live life and to enjoy it.

Coupled with the programmed wants and needs that now fuel our desire, we now also have religion to deal with. Religion is supposedly there to guide us as we pursue our wants and needs within this programme, but I need not have to prove to you that religion has not stopped anyone from going overboard; in fact, instead of bringing sanity and boosting man’s sense of right and wrong, religion has now become a reason why people within same regional space will kill themselves. This is painfully so, because manipulators have found religion as a very easy bed rock to deceive their victims into doing their own will since being religious is now perceived as being holy.

All of these distractions disconnects us from our SELF that we were born with. We call it growing up and we refer to our curious nature as kids, as being “childish”, but it will surprise you to know, that the same ‘curious spirit’ we had as children is what has led so many scientists into conducting researches and have come up with great inventions that have been useful to mankind thus far.

People who remain in that childish bliss of “searching” tend to be more creative than people that have strayed away (grown up) and have now conformed to form. Even in the business world, the entrepreneurship spirit usually dwells in those who do not take life too seriously, who are always willing to give things a go, even if it is something they are being introduced to for the first time. The skeptic is drawn to invest but their over processing gets the better of them.

When we take control of our ‘self’ creativity is one of the immediate benefits we receive, which can help you get out of your 9am – 5pm job (if not fulfilling) and as an added advantage, you also gain the ability to see beyond religious lines and not generalize people as good or bad plainly because of their religion.

Personally I adopt the being “spiritual” view as opposed to being “religious”, and this is simply because I found out that in religion we all believe there is a God in the heavens who created mankind, even the big bang theory agrees to it by saying we are a part of a WHOLE. Regardless of this fact, every religion does not want to admit that there is a common ground between one another; every religion is more concerned about promoting their views of God as the most accurate one.

My freedom came when in my soul searching I came across [John 4 vs. 21 – 24]“...believe me a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem...Yet a time is coming and has now come, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth, for they are the kind of worshipers that the Father seeks. GOD is spirit and His worshipers must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth”.

These verses set my whole life alight and I was set free from religion. In religion you cannot attain SELF but with the knowledge that becomes accessible to you when you begin to dwell in the spiritual realm as created by GOD you will not only attain to SELF but you will also understand that indeed YOU ARE A GOD [Psalm 82 vs. 6; John 10 vs. 34] and you have been placed here on earth to dominate, subdue and replenish, thus to CREATE AND to GIVE TO YOUR BEST opposed to the never ending TAKE, TAKE, TAKE as promoted by the needs and wants mentality that has been programmed into us unconsciously.

[John 8 vs. 32] “And you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free” So why squabble with someone who is yet to grasp this dimension of life where GOD intended for man to live in, where there is NO LIMITS AS TO WHAT EVERY MAN CAN CONCEIVE AND CREATE, same spirit of creativity led to some visionaries creating tools of FEAR to limit majority of the people that they might maintain control of all, therefore, KNIVES, GUNS came into play and now most viral RELIGION.

Lastly, when you are in FULL control of SELF you are fully rooted in LOVE for all mankind no matter their RACE, RELIGION OR GENDER, whether in your support or against you, being good to everyone becomes a natural part of your lifestyle as opposed to the consciousness of being good because you want to go to Heaven (which is a very pathetic and childish reason for being good if you ask me: SANTA CLAUS or SUGARCANDY MOUNTAIN).

I pray that total control of your SELF becomes yours and you become wiser, healthier and wiser.

May GOD bless you all.

"I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself, I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself in now and then, finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me" - Sir Isaac Newton


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