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“Do you know what is right or wrong?” - these reportedly were the last words that came out of Late Gaddafi, in a state between Life and Death, as he was dragged by the rebel force along the streets of Sirte, Libya.

These words have kept ringing in my head. Coming from a man whose death was near, and one would have expected him to be begging for mercy or cursing at the top of his voice. Rather, he chose to ask a question - “Do you know what is right or wrong?”

Now, what is right? Are they those things our parents told us were right from cradle? And we grew up to find out that they actually meant ‘do as we say’ and not ‘do as we do’. Or are the right things, the Ten Commandments of Moses? – that we find difficult to fulfil all 10 day after day? As we now say no man is perfect, and perfection is only meant for GOD.

If no one is perfect, then how come we judge ourselves? - to the extent of executing one another in the name of doing the RIGHT thing, from ‘Capital Punishment’ (electrocution, lethal injections, hanging & firing squad) to countries warring against each other.

Today, we have extremist groups named TERRORISTS who are convinced they’re a fighting a just cause for their faith, to the point of laying down their lives for the cause. And on the other hand, we have another group named THE ARMY, who also are fully convinced of their mission and they’re dying by the day for this reason too. While the latter get paid for their duties, the former carry out theirs supposedly by their own will with the hope of a glorious after-life.

A young lad once narrated to me how he got recruited into the British Army, he said he went to the MoD camp out of curiosity after seeing their Advert on TV, and he was met by a wonderful orator, who gave them a welcome speech, part of the speech was “if you haven’t found something that you’re willing to die for, then you haven’t found love at all” – as he said this to me, his face glowed with joy, because he was convinced of his love for his country and now willing to die to protect the people’s lifestyle and peace.

Now tell me, how different is this from the recruiting system of ‘Al-Qaeda’? –where a person is wooed and brainwashed to take an extremist view to life, and willingly put on suicide bombs to exterminate the enemies of their faith and way of life.

It seems to me that when innocent people are killed in mass by people wearing military uniform, it is called ‘peace-keeping’. And when they happen to die by activities of men in civil uniform, it’s called ‘terrorism’ – who is right and who is wrong?

Let’s go to theories of creation of the earth and how humans came about to live here. The Chinese have their “Panku dynasty” theory to this, the Yoruba’s have their “Oduduwa” theory, Science says we came about from a “Big Bang” and we also have “The religious (Christianity/Moslem) views to creation – which is right or wrong?

Talking of religion, which one is serving the right/real GOD? and which one is wrong? Is it Islam, Christianity, Buddha, Philosophy or Science? How old is the earth? How long have human beings been around? Did dinosaurs exist? what about UFO’s?

There are many issues like these that have left us all in a confused state, not knowing right from wrong.

If my intention was to confuse you, I would have stopped here. But as I don’t believe in making an already worrying situation more chaotic, I would attempt to give some answers and leave it to you to accept them as TRUE or not. We’re all humans and equal, therefore, we all have the right to find out for ourselves what is right or wrong, and NOT what has been fed to us by anyone, like data being imputed into a computer.

First, I don’t know if I am the first to notice that all religions somehow relate their GOD to be in the skies. Is this a coincidence? Or are we actually all talking of the same GOD but with different expressions of this GOD?

Whether it is the Big Bang Theory, Panku, Oduduwa or other philosophical and religious GOD, you’ll find one thing remains constant, that is, the belief that we’re all ONE and we come from the same source.

This brings to mind Jesus’ golden rule: “Love your neighbour as yourself” and he had a parable to narrate this, where he said, I came to you when I was naked and you gave me no clothes. I also came to you when I was hungry and you gave me no food. The people listening answered to this saying, 'but when was this master? If you came to us for shelter, clothe or food, we can never deny you of these, when did this happen?' And he replied, as long as you deprive your fellow humans of these things, you have deprived me of them too.

This clearly illustrates that we ALL are ONE, and who in his/her right mind will hurt themselves? We are from ONE source and of the same value to our maker. We were sent here to co-exist and make the world a better place, NOT to compete one with another!

The parable of the lost sheep also testifies to this theory too, with joy in heaven as the lost sheep was found.

Jesus ended his ministry by making it clear that he didn’t come to the world to judge anyone, and instead, he came to connect us back to our source “ABBA” – Father! "I've come to give life and to give it more abundantly", this is meant to set us free from the ‘law of sin and death’ which condemns and judge man (the laws of Moses), and to introduce us to the ‘law of the spirit and life’ – which liberates man and encourages the worship of GOD in spirit and in truth NOT by ‘religion’ but by ‘TRUTH’.

He said “Why do you call me Master, Master, when you don’t do as I command?”

GOD isn’t a God of the Jews, and neither does he understand only one language. GOD isn’t a He/She, GOD is a universal spirit of Love, all knowing and sovereign. The uncreated creator and the indestructible one.

Religion only reduces GOD to man’s carnal understanding: something we can relate to, hence, the introduction of the reward system of “do good and go to heaven”. GOD is far, far bigger than that. He said as the heavens are far away from the earth, so are His ways far from man’s comprehension.

This incomplete knowledge of GOD is the reason why man is still struggling to live right today. It is also why man is so afraid of death. Because we are not clear about what happens next after we die in this plane we exist in.

According to the bible, MAN (Adam & Eve) ate the forbidden fruit of the Knowledge of good and evil. Then why do we pretend not to know what is right and what is wrong? We all come with a ‘conscience being’ – this is why when we do something good or bad, we immediately KNOW it deep within us.

Therefore, there is no way we can argue that we aren’t meant to be perfect. We don’t have a trump card for sin merely because we are humans. Jesus was GOD in man’s image and so are we, "or haven’t you heard that ye are gods?" – So why are we struggling with sin?

Until we can begin to live above SIN and embrace LOVE of every being around us, we can’t truly become that being that GOD intends us to be. A being with the ‘Christ Consciousness’ – as he said, "as many who believe in me, more than I do shall they do also." Well, I don't see many raising anyone from death in our world today as Christ did!

Not everyone will be able to attain to this state of consciousness, because there are too many distractions going on and many are helplessly lost in it.

Religion, Ethnicity, Greed, Money have all replaced God, which is along those worldly standards will make us operate outside of Love, because somehow we have to take a ‘side’ when trying to do so.

We’ve become so selfish, and we don’t care who we trample upon or what we do to get to the top. But sadly, many are lost in this dogma and forgotten how to truly live. We gain wealth through evil means, but only if more money meant more happiness, then all of our fears and greed would have been justifiable. But as Jesus said, “what does it profit a man, if he gains the whole world, yet loses his own soul?” People that pursue money never get enough of it, instead, I think we should get innovative and money will pursue us.

Any concept that promotes divide amongst people is NEVER from GOD. Islam, Christianity, Buddha, Money etc are all manmade – GOD’s desire is for us to love one another, replenish the earth with our creativity and multiply. The energy in us is a loving and creative spirit, it can’t be created, nor destroyed – it can only be transferred from one form to another (reproduction).

The spirit that is in us will NOT die. The body will perish, but the spirit will live forever, and it will return to its source when its sojourn on this plane ends, to become a part of the WHOLE again.

Man of the century – 'Albert Einstein', Nelson Mandela, Robert Nesta Marley and many more others like them grasped this lifestyle of love, and no wonder they’ve become model men of our world today, and shall continue to be many more years after today.

I am a Christian – in the term of “Christ Like”, in its originally meaning, NOT the Holy and segregating act we like to put up, yet harbouring grudges, bitterness and wickedness in our hearts.

GOD is love, and sufficient knowledge and power becomes available to anyone who walks in love. Love for himself, because you must first truly love yourself, before you can have love for humanity, then love for nature and love for GOD.

The notion of doing good in order to go to heaven is sufficient for a child. But to become an adult, your consciousness of doing good must be for goodness sake. Because it is right, not for the promise of a reward (chocolates and candy) for being a good person!

This is the knowledge we require to lead a fulfilled life, and guess what; it has been inside of us all along – OUR CONSCIENCE is the base of our LOVE. “Do unto others what you would want them to do to you”

Let your conscience guide you, YOU know what is right and what is wrong. The bible says "the heart of man is desperately wicked, who can understand it? and it says again "who can understand the heart of a man, except the spirit that dwells in him" correct every wrong you've done if you can, and go and sin no more in order to evolve into the true you that GOD intended you to be.


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