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Showing posts from 2020

Much Ado About Corbynism: the challenge has been perception.

The UK Labour Party’s new leader, Sir Keir Starmer, has the responsibility of returning the party to power whenever the next general elections is called. This is a Herculean task. A fighter knocked out cold, and only later slowly regained consciousness, would forever be wary of exposing their chin to take a clean punch. That fighter, filled with self-doubt, is the UK Labour Party Sir Starmer has inherited. And has to challenge a Boris Johnson-led Conservative government that triumphed convincingly in the last bout of winter elections with an 80-seat parliamentary majority. Many have said that had the UK Labour Party membership elected a wrong leader this past Saturday (and by wrong they mean Rebecca Long-Bailey), it would’ve been tantamount to reading out the great party’s obituary. And that Sir Starmer’s emergence as the new leader of Her Majesty’s Opposition party, thus leader of a government-in-waiting, marks the end of “far left” Corbynism. But is this true? Or better put: Doe...