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Showing posts from January, 2018

The Nigerian Mind & Rejection of Coincidence

Although Nigeria is home to people numerously distinguishable linguistically and culturally, idea that everything in life happens for a reason is a collective unconscious of the people. Without labouring the point, this intuitive outlook on life of the Nigerian springs from the settled view that her or his existence is for a purpose (kadara or aka or makoma or destiny) and their lived experiences can thereby not be mere coincidences. The destiny claim underpinning existence unravels, otherwise. Put it in another way. Rejecting coincidence is the root of religion. The belief in destiny seems logical, as it appears a satisfying answer to  the one question that torments mind of anyone capable of  reflection:  ‘Why am I here? ’ However, it can be argued that the Nigerian mind favouring  religious explanation for the world around them as opposed to life being a meaningless coincidence which must be analysed and subdued to aid human existence, is why scien...