The Guyanese born Pan-African writer, Walter Rodney, indentified that formation of what is known as “Third world countries” didn’t come about by chance – it is as a direct result of occupation on their land by countries referred to as “First worlds”. Meaning modernisation in the “West” is directly proportional to underdevelopment in the world’s lowly rated countries. As it pertains to Africa, he extensively discusses it in his book, which I like to consider as the African Bible – How Europe Under Developed Africa – published in 1972. An excerpt from the book, which I want to dwell on, is: “What was a marginal difference (in terms of development) when the Portuguese sailed into West Africa in 1444, became a huge gap...440 years later” . Referring to the Berlin Conference, 1884, a period when innovative technology advancements had clearly given the West a superior edge over Africa. Industrialising their societies with the labour of athletic built healthy African youths; taken in th...
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